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Seed Sowing
Deep Seed Trays
I like to use deep seed trays to reduce the need for potting on. I can recommend these deep strong trays. I’ve used them for a few years now and they are my preferred choice out of all the trays I’ve collected over the years.
Because I tend to sow all my seeds in deep trays, I try to keep them in the tray until they are ready to be transplanted outside. This means that I need use a good quality compost from the get go. Silvagrow is my preferred peat free choice.
Seed Tray
If you are low on space then these Charles Dowding module seed trays mean you can grow a lot of plants in a small space, without the mess of soil blockers.
Soil Additions
Adding vermiculite or perlite to your compost can help with water retention and drainage. Adding it to seed growing compost makes the compost lighter and more airy, which is helpful for good root growth. I don't honestly think it matters which one you use.
Soil Blocker
Again if you are short on space give soil blocking a try. I've used this soil block maker, to make mine.
Even though I sell my own seeds, there are only so many I can keep in stock. If I want to try something new then I always have a quick browse through the Crocus seed collection to see if anything takes my fancy.
Hori Hori Knife
I recently discovered this Niwaki hori-hori knife, although you can buy alternative hor-hori knives on Amazon, and it's been a total game-changer. It's one of the few tools I always have on me when I'm gardening. It can be a trowel, a knife, and even a bulb planter. It's a tough all-rounder and I find that it is now my go to tool for pretty much everything.
As my cut flower garden matures, I live in hope that the weeds will eventually surrender. Until then, a sharp hoe can make weeding a quick task, provided you catch them when they're little and on a dry day. I have found this hoe amazing. It has a double edge and just seems to glide through the weedlings, whatever angle you approach them from.
I was gifted these rather wonderful flower snips. They are remarkably light and comfortable to use and so sharp, they cut through any stem easily. I've also seen these Niwaki snips, that I'm tempted to get so that I have another pair for when I misplace these.
This Niwaki weeder is my new favourite tool. It is always such a joy when something has a left handed version. This tool slices through the weeds easily and allows for more delicate weeding than a hoe allows.
Supporting your plants is essential and be really simple, like bamboo canes and twine, or something more sturdy and permanent. I find the plastic pea netting difficult to harvest through, but although I haven’t tried it, I suspect this jute pea netting might be easier on both your hands and the plants.
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seasonal task planner & seed sowing schedule
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